Siamo lieti di presentare ad ART@Hilton Diego Palasgo (1954) nato a Noale, Venezia, dove attualmente vive. Dipinge dal 1977 sperimentando diverse tecniche ed ottenendo il riconoscimento di critica e stampa. Vincitore di numerosi concorsi d'arte nazionali ed internazionali, ha
esposto in diverse gallerie d'arte europee, e ha partecipato a molte
fiere d'arte contemporanea.
We are pleased to present Diego Palasgo (1954) born in Noale, Venice where he currently lives. He has been painting since 1977 experimenting different techniques and obtaining critics and press recognition. Winner of numerous national and international art competitions, he has exhibited in several European art galleries, and has taken part to many contemporary art fairs. In the words of professor Francesco Crosato, "his hallmark is definitely his nervous and restless technique, applied to his subjects which are truly poetic and 'fantastic': a union which allows one to see the artist's strong contrast of sentiments and spiritual emotions, which searches for sublimation; almost an outer shell, which hides a sweet interior that has to defend and even hide its face from a world travelling on another wave length. The city is to be found in many of Palasgo's recent works - albeit in the sense of true and real expressive encounters. Its transformations, the restoration of its old buildings; antique symbols, stones and walls are also present, registered in his memory and reproduced like expression of oneself and one's own memories and the dreams of one's own vision, in a continuous quest for harmony, for rhythm and for equilibrium."
We are pleased to present Diego Palasgo (1954) born in Noale, Venice where he currently lives. He has been painting since 1977 experimenting different techniques and obtaining critics and press recognition. Winner of numerous national and international art competitions, he has exhibited in several European art galleries, and has taken part to many contemporary art fairs. In the words of professor Francesco Crosato, "his hallmark is definitely his nervous and restless technique, applied to his subjects which are truly poetic and 'fantastic': a union which allows one to see the artist's strong contrast of sentiments and spiritual emotions, which searches for sublimation; almost an outer shell, which hides a sweet interior that has to defend and even hide its face from a world travelling on another wave length. The city is to be found in many of Palasgo's recent works - albeit in the sense of true and real expressive encounters. Its transformations, the restoration of its old buildings; antique symbols, stones and walls are also present, registered in his memory and reproduced like expression of oneself and one's own memories and the dreams of one's own vision, in a continuous quest for harmony, for rhythm and for equilibrium."