11 maggio 2015

Passata la buriana...

La galleria Giudecca 795, anche per l'ampiezza dei suoi spazi, continua a proporsi come "palestra" artistica  ospitando nelle sue due sale, parallelamente, anche mostre estemporanee, performances, concerti, letture poetiche. Prosegue intanto la collaborazione con alcune importanti realtà alberghiere, quali l'Hilton Molino Stucky Venice di cui la galleria cura la rassegna annuale ART@Hilton. Per questo calendario ed in occasione della Expo 2015 e della Biennale Arti Visive, quest'anno Giudecca 795 ha chiesto agli artisti selezionati di lavorare sul tema del cibo ed in particolare del pane, con risultati interessanti.  Le mostre in programma ad ART@Hilton: il 22enne Gjon Jakaj (fotografia) fino al 23 maggio; Giulio Rigoni (pittura) dal 25 maggio al 29 luglio; dal 1 agosto Giuseppe Cozzi (fotografia) e a seguire Mizo e Duarja. Tutte le mostre dell'Hilton proseguiranno nella galleria Giudecca 795 come da calendario pubblicato su www.giudecca795.com

The large speces of Galleria Giudecca 795 continue to act as a "gym" hosting, in parallel, sometimes impromptu exhibitions, performances, concerts, and poetry readings. The collaboration with major hotels such as the Hilton continues, for which the gallery curates an annual review. This year on the occasion of the Expo and the Biennale, the 795 has asked selected artists to work on the theme of food, especially bread, with interestinfg results. The scheduleds shows: Jakaj until 22 May, and to follow: painter Giulio Rigoni, photographers Giusdeppe Cozzi, Jan Mizo, Duarja. All the Hiton exhibitions continue at Giudecca 795.

02 maggio 2015

New and hot

The exhibiting programme at the gallery and for ART@Hilton (at the Hilton Molino Stucky Venice curated by the Giudecca 795 Art Gallery) has started with the solo show of the 22 years old Gjon Jakaj, from Kosovo, who fled the war with his family ad, as a result of this experience, focused on the joy of living, leading the viewer to the discovery of small, priceless moments. Much of his photographic work on display is inspired by bread, imbued with strong symbolic meaning. Giudecca 795 chose to present these works in Venezia inside the historic former mills where they enhance the connection between past and present. ITALIA COTTA - Venezia

The 795 team is also developing the second stage of the project "Contemporary Renaissance". Our galleries in Venezia are now hosting the new art by Giulio Rigoni, whose solo show is also scheduled at ART@Hilton in parallel with the 795.

We are pleased to announce our upcoming free mobile App, for live updates about our events and opening hours always at your fingertip. Keeping in touch will be really easy!